pôsobíme od roku 1995
Shaping Our Future
Securing Tomorrow

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Agritex has transformed the way my family and I eat. The produce is incredibly fresh, and knowing it’s organic gives us peace of mind. Their CSA program is the best!

John Down
Corn FarmerAgritex has transformed the way my family and I eat. The produce is incredibly fresh, and knowing it’s organic gives us peace of mind. Their CSA program is the best!

Maria Suahk
PHYSICAL THERAPISTAgritex has transformed the way my family and I eat. The produce is incredibly fresh, and knowing it’s organic gives us peace of mind. Their CSA program is the best!

Carlos Mrak
Rice FarmerAgritex has transformed the way my family and I eat. The produce is incredibly fresh, and knowing it’s organic gives us peace of mind. Their CSA program is the best!

Sarah Bala
Wheat FarmerAgritex has transformed the way my family and I eat. The produce is incredibly fresh, and knowing it’s organic gives us peace of mind. Their CSA program is the best!