a šťavnaté jahody

Pracujeme s láskou ku kvetom
Záhradníctvo Antal je rodinnou firmou, ktorá pôsobí od roku 1995. Svoju činnosť sme začali na 12-ich hektároch ornej pôdy, kde sme pestovali osem druhov zeleniny. Momentálne na 300 ha pestujeme hustosiate obilniny. Novinkou je samozber jahôd a hrášku, kde si zákazník môže prísť k nám nazbierať sám. Zaoberáme sa pestovaním rozličných druhov kvetín.
predaj letničiek
moderné tehnológie
Máte otázky?
+421 915 521 961

What We’re Offering services

Quality Standards
Partnering with farmers around the world to deliver advanced solutions tailored to local conditions.

Organic Services
Partnering with farmers around the world to deliver advanced solutions tailored to local conditions.

Agriculture Leader
Partnering with farmers around the world to deliver advanced solutions tailored to local conditions.

Retail Agriculture
Partnering with farmers around the world to deliver advanced solutions tailored to local conditions.

Wholesale trade
Partnering with farmers around the world to deliver advanced solutions tailored to local conditions.

By Using Our Products You Choose Health

History of Innovation in Agriculture
Global Expansion
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Adapting to Change
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Looking to Future
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and It is reader will be looking a long industry.

Meet Our Farming Experts
Aleesha Brown
Senior FarmerEmily Clark
Soil ScientistRobert Brown
Plant PathologistElijah Bell
Soil ConservationistLillian Clark
AgronomistDaniel Allen
Financial Planner

Client Experiences with Our Farming Reviews

“Kevin Martin”
Agriculture and farming are vital sectors that form the backbone of the global economy, providing food, fiber, and raw materials essential for daily life. These practices involve the cultivation of crops and the rearing of livestock, employing a blend of traditional techniques and modern technology to optimize production and sustainability.
Aleesha Brown
Founder & CeoLaurie Colwin
Agriculture and farming are vital sectors that form the backbone of the global economy, providing food, fiber, and raw materials essential for daily life. These practices involve the cultivation of crops and the rearing of livestock, employing a blend of traditional techniques and modern technology to optimize production and sustainability.
Nick Jones
ClientBruce Wayne
Agriculture and farming are vital sectors that form the backbone of the global economy, providing food, fiber, and raw materials essential for daily life. These practices involve the cultivation of crops and the rearing of livestock, employing a blend of traditional techniques and modern technology to optimize production and sustainability.
Kevin Rogers
Business ownerJason Statham
Agriculture and farming are vital sectors that form the backbone of the global economy, providing food, fiber, and raw materials essential for daily life. These practices involve the cultivation of crops and the rearing of livestock, employing a blend of traditional techniques and modern technology to optimize production and sustainability.
Bella Woods
NutritionistWe’re popular leader in agriculture market globally